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Today, I am choosing:

{Happiness} Life is too short as it is. Why spend it being miserable? Do what you love. Do what makes you happiest!

{Thankfulness} I’ve been given so much, and there are so many without. I choose to show my appreciation for the everyday things!

{Confidence} Why spend life being afraid of every little thing? Believe in yourself, and in your ability to change things!

A simple choice can have lasting effects on your entire day!

A simple choice can have lasting effects on your entire day!

{Compassion} God commands us to love one another, and the help those less fortunate than ourselves. I choose to put myself aside, and to be there for those in need.

{Love} I am choosing to accept the love of others, to grow in it, and to spread it around

{Forgiveness} Although I can’t change past hurts, I choose to forgive those that have wronged me, and I choose to forgive MYSELF.

{Perseverance} Anything worth having is worth waiting for! There are so many things that I want out of this life. So many goals and aspirations for this YEAR! I will be persistent, and I will be dedicated, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!


What are you choosing today?